Transactions in Forex trading, means exchanging or trading one currency with another currency. Unlike most instruments, forex trading is traded in certain pairs, for example Euro / US dollar (EUR / USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD / JPY). Someone who buys the Euro currency, automatically also has sold the US Dollar simultaneously.
Forex trading participants have different trading intentions. Most of them are not buying currency for exchange purposes, but to benefit from it.
Currency pairs that can be traded in INTER PAN are as follows.
1. USD/JPY (US Dollar exchange rate against Japanese Yen)
2. USD/CHF (US Dollar exchange rate against Confeoderatio Helvetica Franc / Switzerland Franc)
3. EUR/USD (European Euro exchange rate against US Dollar)
4. GBP (Great Britain Poundsterling exchange rate against US Dollar)
5. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar exchange rate against US Dollar)